Plan du site

Information légale


CDLS-Consulting will determine the optimal fibre optics pathways for simple integration of your various telecommunications sites.


CDLS-Consulting will verify :


- The compliance of your network deployment with the graph proposals

- The quality of the deployment of fibre optics, the bus networks, the pull box, the sheaths

- The quality of the connections (optical assessments of fibres, operator connections)

- The connection of your sites in dual feed (or adductions); for fibre optics or the operator connections, these adductions should neither cross, nor borrow the same path prior to reaching the principal provider network, network which itself should not present any point of crossing

- The re-use of existing adductions after assessment by CDLS-Consulting (subject to your agreement).

- Deployment of your end sites and of your relay sites

CDLS-Consulting will deliver a summary report of all connections at the end of the test phase as well as a final deployment report.


CDLS-Consulting will check and guarantee the good performance of :


- all telecommunications equipment of (routers, waiters, calculators…)

- all electrical systems

- all air-conditioning systems

- all fire alarm systems

- all intruder alarm systems


CDLS-Consulting will give you an end of services report at the end of the tests.

CDLS-Consulting will carry out a technical visit of each of your sites.


CDLS-Consulting will deliver :


- A preliminary report of the installations for each of your sites

- Minutes of each technical visit

- A technical specification report


CDLS-Consulting will advise you for the validation of the contractual requirements and provide you with :


- A report on infrastructure constraints and electromagnetic requirements

- A detailed timeline for deployment of your operators and your subcontractor

-An environmental report

CDLS-Consulting will check for you the administrative authorisations of work :


- Declaration of building site opening

- Authorization of the planning committees

- Authorization of the relevant services (safety, hygiene…)


CDLS-Consulting will chair all meetings to minimise potential risks to your project.


CDLS-Consulting will help you to evaluate and decide on :


- The report concerning your sites installation and fibre deployment

- Your timeline for deployment

- Your company or administration endorsements

- The scalable equipment required to support future developments (in particular in term of reception (fire, intrusion…), congestion, of electricity consumption (energy 48V, 220V) and of requirement in air-conditioning)

- The congestion and distribution of the equipment between the various telecommunications bays;

- The progress of services critical to the operational start up

CDLS-Consulting will check for you :


- The technical and engineering specifications for wiring

- The modelling studies conducted by your subcontractors

- The validation of the prototypes in industrial buildings




                    CDLS-CONSULTING         83, rue Michel-Ange - 75016  - PARIS - FRANCE -