Plan du site

Information légale


CDLS-Consulting will check for you :


- The As-built report

- The exact fibre routing pathways

- The overall work plan, drawings of the pull box, splicing and rooms types

- The overall length of your fibres (in buried sleeves, sewers, gutter, along a railway, buried in ways of water, or in other environments…)

- The number of existing and future splices

- The total number of rooms crossed

- The length of coiled fibre for each coiling box

- The number of unprotected, to-be-protected and protected rooms

- The optical attenuation and budgets from beginning to end

· maximum contractual attenuation

· maximum attenuation calculated by the operator

· maximum attenuation allowed by the configuration of the transmitter/receiver (transmitters, booster, pre-amplifier)

· margin between the maximum attenuation allowed by your equipment compared to the provider’s calculations

- The attenuation of your connections:

· attenuation of a connector by allowed maximum fusion

· linear attenuation

- The configurations combining booster and pre-amplifiers

- The maximum optical budget to guarantee fibre optics transmission  

- The power

- The sensitivity

- Path Penalty and the decreased performance of your system such as spectrum dispersion

- The minimal attenuation of the optical budget not to saturate your receivers

- The compliance with the initial design assumptions of attenuation of :

· the connectors

· the splices

· the linear attenuation

· the reflectometry equipment


CDLS-Consulting will advise you on the best method of supervision of your fibreoptics to ensure full control of your managed transmissions.


                    CDLS-CONSULTING         83, rue Michel-Ange - 75016  - PARIS - FRANCE -